Academy | 비전유학 | 아카데미
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07 578 1699
Academy Manager: Jasper

Vision Academy

The Vision Academy, which is composed of the best professional instructors, provides systematic, high-quality classes and produces honors students every year. Through a special curriculum that contains the know-how unique to Vision Academy, such as English, mathematics, and science, which school education alone can't be enough, students' confidence is increased, while growing students participate in various local competitions to achieve excellent grades and manage their personal life effectively. We help students achieve their dreams through successful college preparation.

About the Academy

According to the New Zealand school system, which consists of 4 terms (semester) and 10 weeks of classes, regular after-school classes are held for 10 weeks. From English conversation through local instructors to NCEA college classes, we support a successful study abroad life by supplementing the learning that is lacking only in school classes.


After 10 weeks of regular classes, special lectures are held to prepare for the next term during the next two weeks of vacation. Intensive learning is provided so as not to miss an important period with special lectures according to the common needs of students by season, such as English Intensive Camp, Contest Preparation Class, Certified Exam Preparation Class, and Return Class.

Admissions Consulting

The success of studying abroad lies in finding a career path for students and fulfilling their dreams. The professional entrance examination consulting team composed of local instructors establishes a specific learning roadmap through regular 1:1 consultations and provides strategic entrance examination management and learning achievement management.


About 10 excellent instructors are composed of specialized instructors for each subject, and they are constantly researching and developing the curriculum in line with the changing educational trends every year.

프로그램 A

regular class

Overall consulting planning and management

Guidance of student life and study

Counseling for various future occupations and students' desired majors

Counseling for after-school learning plans and private institute classes


Vacation Special Lecture 

Overall consulting planning and management

Guidance of student life and study

Counseling for various future occupations and students' desired majors

Counseling for after-school learning plans and private institute classes

School Days
Girls Building Robot

English Camp

Overall consulting planning and management

Guidance of student life and study

Counseling for various future occupations and students' desired majors

Counseling for after-school learning plans and private institute classes

Girls Building Robot

parent class

​For parents with open ears and open speech, such as English conversation and IELTS test preparation  Morning classes are available.

Writing Class
Academy news

​세분화 된 영어수업과 교과과목 수업, 공인시험 부터 귀국대비 수업까지 다양한 비전아카데미만의 프로그램들이 구성되어 있습니다.

​비전아카데미 수업 시간표

parent class

  비전아카데미 방학 프로그램

정규수업 프로그램
방학특강 프로그램
​Vision Academy News

The latest updates such as children's class appearance, teacher feedback, etc.  You can browse the information. Go to Instagram

07 578 1699
Academy Manager: Jasper
다른 언어와 칠판

Vision Academy Space Introduction 

Overall consulting planning and management

Guidance of student life and study

Counseling for various future occupations and students' desired majors

Counseling for after-school learning plans and private institute classes

Academy space

The vision that we're always working on,

with a good teacher

Growing children.

We have it.

This is a clean and efficient class space gallery of Vision Study Abroad. 

07 578 1699
Academy Manager: Jasper
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